Shinn Akatsuki, a young college student, returns to his high-school as an advisor for the student in mathematics who is struggling...
school setting Adult Games
A Wild Catgirl Appears is the story of Ami who is a lonely high school student. She joins the school's code club and begins to mak...
We are so excited to share our new Ren'Py Ren'Py game, "Echoes of Lust". This is our most high-quality project to date. This proje...
Since 9 years, he couldn't muster the courage to share his feelings with his loved one. After his father's death a year back, ever...
Isabella is plagued by night terrors that cause her to feel lost and confused. Hear's of a local Therapist who is highly successfu...
This game holiday edition is separate, so you don't have to save your main game in order to play it...
CA continues the adventures of Sister, Sister and Sister. You can control and name the main character. As he attends college, he i...
It starts as a young student in the first semester. You go into a dorm and get assigned a room. This is where you meet your roomma...
You are a student who is looking to be independent and confident. Parents believe you cannot live without them. You don't always s...
Chloe has finally returned to student life. I created a massive Vote so that all my patrons could vote on the new Story-line. What...
George, an 18-year old boy, joined the medical class to become physician. The university and city will adapt to George's small hom...
This game is a sequel of the original Love Thy Neighbour. The same characters, the same places, and new gameplay...
MC is an Astrophysicist. He is an Astrophysicist who has published numerous research papers and contributed to major discoveries i...
Adventures at Magic Academy is science fantasy, adult visual novel, and dating sim. In a world that is modern and magic-based, you...
MyLK is a visual novel that tells the story of a young man who falls in love with his girlfriend and develops a deep affection for...
The story centers on a 18-year-old delinquent with noble ambitions. He wants to be the greatest delinquent in the world and have a...
You are a strict female teacher who discovers a portal to another world and learns shocking facts about her heritage. Is she going...
MC is accepted into one of the most well-known psychology courses in the world. She also meets a beautiful professor who will make...
Pink Prescriptions tells the story of an IT man who is down on his luck and finds a job in a hospital. They are hot and horny and...