You're Archer, a renowned Special Exterminator for the Inquisition. Your mission is to hunt Chimeras, supernatural humans born fro...
Mind Control Adult Games
Darkness revenge is an adult visual novel with a vampire background made with Ren'Py. You can choose to experience the adventure i...
Jason begins to enjoy the feeling of power more and more and somehow he expects everything to continue ever so easily and blissful...
The action takes place in 2013, you are Ares the God of War, surprisingly not dead from your last battle in 1918 with your kind o...
If you are tired of the same everyday adult games with virtually the same models, stories, and cliches- then I invite you to try s...
You play as James, an 18 years old highschool student with gruesome childhood trauma where you see your father die in front of you...
Of Lust and Pride is an erotic top-down RPG with turn-based combat and heavy VN elements. In this Dark Fantasy world, you are a hi...
Welcome to the Realm of Dragonspire... You play as a guy named Stephen (default name), head of security in the realm. Set in a da...
This is a very original and early-tech demonstration version Lab Rats 2 Lab Rats 2: Down to Business Lab Rats 2 is set in the af...
Join our hero as he ventures down into the caverns, to an almost certain death. Joined by who he suspects might be the love of hi...
Play the story of Casey, a trans female freshly released from prison. After being dumped by your girlfriend while serving time and...
Mythic Manor is a free adult interactive visual novel game offering a new home and a new world. Delve deep into your fantasies...
BDSM game ... or rather a teaser, because one is the existing content and the other is the one that is to be Tells story of exper...
In Hell Keeper you play as a bastard prince, son of the demon king Malakaris, and a the human queen, Anne. After a curse that was...
In Devilish Business you play as a recent high-school graduate with big plans for the summer, but a chance encounter with a myster...
"This story is about a boy who lives a boring life, where he struggles to make ends meet with his part-time job at a fast food joi...
You're a young man whose father recently left mysteriously. You need to find out what happened to him, but, in the meantime, you c...
You will take in your hands the fate of a middle age guy who wasn't very successful in this life. A strange event will change his...
You are a ninja exiled by your village but a kaguya goddess calls you and in exchange for you to free her she will give you a new...