Male Protagonist Adult Games
A young businessman meets a beautiful young woman. This young woman is also your boss's daughter...
A terrible track record in relationships has left you with many painful memories. Will the introduction of a girl who is different...
This is a game about Mike, a boy. Although he has just finished his studies, he is returning to his family with the hope of a good...
The game's world is based on a modern world with only two types of people: Assassins or Normies. Assassin's world doesn't differ m...
Conquered Hearts, a parody NSFW version game of the Kingdom Hearts' franchise, has a darker, perverted storyline and can be played...
A young man, from a family with a low income, decides to move away from his grieving father and his summer love to attend college...
"Sugar Daddies." It tells the story of a group young girls supported by sugar daddies. It takes place on "Auro Digger Island." "A...
It seems that cold and deserted spaces have never been more hot. You are invited to...
PoC is an adult visual novel that you can play as a man who was unlucky with his love. He was laughed at by all the women in his f...