This is the sequel to the game Succubus Contract. The story continues after the MC in the guise of a girl loses consciousness. Y...
m/f Adult Games
You are a government agent about to get caught in the middle of a war between two vampire bosses. Notes: This is a Kinetic Visua...
Sent away from home five years ago, your family returns to you after your father's death. Maybe now you'll learn why you were sent...
You were 18 when you received a letter inviting you to Hogwarts University of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Because magic isn't for chi...
Connor is an 18-year-old boy who spent his last Summer at home before heading off to college in "My Summer". You take control of h...
The story centers on a high school dropout who lives by the day and retells his past to the reader. His choices can have a dramati...
Your girlfriend left you to become a centaur. You are a decent guy with a decent job. This adult urban fantasy game will allow you...