You'll be under the control of a young man living in a small village in a small port town in a large magical land. As the sole man...
Futa Adult Games
The Last Sovereign is an adult fantasy RPG that plunges you into the saga of a world torn between forces of lust and purity. As yo...
Witch Spell. Peter, the main character discovers a magical book that will transform his life...
The game is set in medieval fantasy. The role of a farmer lost his parents very young. You're on your own and must maintain the fa...
A college student is a victim of an unfortunate accident that was caused by a titan in industry. You are looking for revenge, and...
Kate has become a bit restless lately. The bright lights of Metropolis 12 don't have the same sparkle they had in her youth. Intim...
About: Join Lily Blossom on the continent island Etrus in the world Ealia as she searches for her past and finds her future. She w...
Sexual Duty is a visual novel about erotic fantasy and adventure. It features Nicole, a young girl who was recently kicked out of...
This game was created to celebrate my full year as an active adult game developer. This is a narrative-focused game that combines...
You are a student at a university and get TFed. What are my games? Sex, Sex and More Sex! It's not just sex. Rad Science is a stor...
Cham is a man who has been transformed into a futa by an evil enemy. You will meet many people on your journey, including some sex...
You are a scientist who is on a 1 year space mission. This story begins the day they return to Earth. Something is happening here...
Ame lives in the future, where males and females live on separate planets. This is due to the virus that turned regular females in...
Get ready for a surprise...