The story of Becoming a Golden God tells the story of the protagonist's relationship to a slightly older woman, who decides to hel...
Animated Adult Games
Mangoo Island is your home! Fresh from the boat, a young man starts a new life. As he discovers all that Mangoo has, from beautifu...
You are a university Literature professor and a brother in the forbidden Order of Light. Your summer research expedition on pirate...
The protagonist finds himself on Azzer, a planet with no memory. He meets a mysterious woman, and he joins her in a journey to Eld...
Finally, I've finished another visual novel about Anna's childhood. It takes place in "Exciting affection". It's a little longer w...
A strange light takes you to a new future just before you are hit by a truck. This second chance does not come without cost. The f...
Spanish playa (or Spanish playa) is an erotic visual story that takes place in a real location (Tarragona), Spain. After three yea...
Paccsu-Namu's Journey, a LEWD RPG Game, is set in a fantasy universe called Paccsu. You control Namu, a Muh’kean girl who was ta...
Private Mentor lets you play the role of Akazawa, a young man who wants to discover the truth about the Academy. He decides to bec...
The game is set on a dystopic planet, close to Earth. All of our flaws and addictions become evident after 100 years of colonizati...
It seems that it is about a hot redhead who struts around the pool house giving head and getting raped. You might have to revise t...
"Island 34" - A resort for the super wealthy, where they can be whatever they want. They were bored with their lives and decided t...
This story is about Cindy and her team, an AI group that defends the Earth...
What importance do you believe childhood love is to someone who has lost his family members?...
The boy returns to the countryside to continue his studies. Let's go with him and enjoy the beautiful rural life....
Waifu Crossing, an Animal Crossing parody that features animated scenes, is called Waifu Crossing. This demo includes a Clover tra...
Hallo! BabusGames is my name. Recently, I started a Zelda parody called Zelda Spirit Orbs. This art is inspired by a doujin called...
The MC is struggling to get through his day, but he has sudden news that things could change. He will receive Inheritance by his u...
Journalists who were trying to find the truth got into very dangerous situations. He will be disappointed...